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By Robert M. Goldstein: In the summer of 2007, Robert Goldstein departs Helsinki on a self-supported bicycle epic across Finland with the goal of pedaling to the Barents Sea. Aboard a folding bicycle towing a wagon, he weathers furious storms, survives a near-disastrous accident and obsesses whether he will be eaten by a bear as he makes his way through the remote forests of Eastern Finland. In sparsely populated Lapland, his solitude is relieved by reindeer who become his constant companions as he slowly makes his way through the Arctic.

More than a travelogue, Riding with Reindeer intersperses an often humorous narrative about the author's adventures (he manages to get trapped in the women's shower in one remote village) with rich cultural and historical anecdotes as he passes through endless forests littered with rotted fortifications, rusted tanks and mass graves--the detritus of Finland's desperate defense against a massive Soviet invasion in the winter of 1939.

Riding with Reindeer

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